Tuesday 18 March 2014

Creating volume

Beauty looks are not as simple as they might seem to achieve. Its all about prepping the hair properly in order to achieve a highly polished finish. Learning basic techniques to prep the hair will allow for further development into more complex hair styles. 

When using heated rollers in the hair the desired effect is to create volume all over the hair, not just from the root. Creating a strong base to the hair is essential when producing complex updo's. 

- Heat rollers on setting 2
- The heat is going to change the shape and texture of the hair
- Once heat is reached, turn appliance down
- Go from the bottom to the top of hair (*depending on style)
- Take a section of hair, no wider than a roller, half an inch thick and roll
- To create volume lift upwards, using pin-tail comb to keep hair tight and neat
- Use grabbies or clips to secure roller
- Can add a small amount of hair spray at the root to hold volume before rolled
- Remove once roller has completely cooled

*For glamour hair tong from the ear downwards

- Take section of hair, ensure tong is facing in the correct direction
- Use comb to protect client from the heat
- Turn heat down if client has dyed hair
- Hold for 12 seconds, ONLY if client has good condition hair
- Test time required on damaged hair
- Place grip in to cool set the curl 
(try to pin against the scalp to prevent kinks)

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